Monday, 4 June 2007

5 Lets Connect It All Together

Not so easy is it! Depends where you live!
If you are in any of the major cities you should be OK and maybe now most of the larger towns also, except outside an approximate 5 kilometre central zone, beyond that it gets somewhat of a lottery.

Begin to look at the overall situation in detail and begin to despair. It is a mishmash of systems, operating in response to commercial requirements, which of course it should do, but not giving the impression of a guided coherent coverage pattern.

My own view is that the people who populate the corridors of power are for the most part of the age group not brought up with computers in the home or indeed the school.

The following is an extract from the National Action Plan 2007 – 2016.


6.4.3 Broadband
The Broadband Programme will promote the rollout of broadband across the rural economy to ensure its availability across rural Ireland. Total indicative investment over the period 2007-2013 will be €435 million To date, 27 Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) have been completed under the NDP 2000-2006 with a further 90 towns under Phase II of the MANs 2005-2007. Under the Group Broadband Scheme, over 120 projects were operational at the end of 2006 and another 10 are expected to become operational during 2007. Under the School Broadband Scheme 96.8% of schools have had broadband installed.
Funding under the Broadband Programme in future years will focus on those parts of the country where the private sector will be unable to justify the commercial provision of broadband connectivity. Options to address the gaps in broadband coverage are currently being considered by a Steering Group comprising officials from the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and representatives from the Communications Regulator, and will be announced in early 2007.”

Is there a Minister or a Minister of State who has overall responsibility to drive such a programme?
The ICT and Media sector's contribution to GNP is comparable if not greater than, for example, the Agricultural sector !

See complete plan here

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